How to Find the Perfect Project Manager with Galen Low
Project Managers are the glue that holds your agency’s service together, so it’s important to have the right people in the right seats. That’s so much easier said than done, so we called in an expert to drop some knowledge on us! Galen has been building teams for a while now and has figured out how to find a Project Manager that’s a sure fit for any type of team. Check it out!
About Galen Low
Galen is the co-founder of The Digital Project Manager. Over the past 13 years, he’s worked at boutique agencies and large consultancies to help shape and deliver human-centered digital transformation initiatives in government, healthcare, transit, and retail.
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The role of project management has evolved as agencies have. Services and deliverables of today are more complex and demanding than they were even a decade ago! It's no secret that finding a competent project manager to join your team, even temporarily, is super freakin' hard. The skillset is so demanding—they have to know enough about everything to be able to communicate and understand the flow of information, among several other things. Galen's expertise is in project management, and he's been working in this world long enough to know what to look for in a project manager. Tune in and check it out before you add that job posting to your website!