Using Data to Tell a Kind Truth with Richard Groom
How can data analytics influence you? Odds are, it already is. Learn about how data analytics has changed over the years and the ways folks are leveraging their business with this tool.
About Richard Groom
As Sparks Research’s Chief Executive Officer and Principal, Rich’s wealth of experience in the marketing research field is evident as he celebrates his 26th year of service with Sparks Research. Prior to assuming the helm at Sparks Research, Rich formerly served as the President for 2 years and Sr. VP for Business Intelligence for 15 years. Rich is primarily responsible for driving business development through regional and national strategic partnerships while providing oversight to the strategic vision of the company. Additionally, over his 26 years of service, Rich has conducted research for over 75 companies in more than 15 business verticals, notably natural gas, retail banking, telecommunications, and health insurance. Rich is a graduate of Clemson University with a degree in Financial Management.
Show notes
Richard Groom, CEO and Principal of Sparks Research joins Jason on the newest episode of The Businessology Show to break down every aspect of research and data analytics. Think about those targeted messages you get on social media and Google—Sparks Research guided those media buying decisions using the most current data on audience targeting, including those mind-reading ads. Hear how a small business in Clemson, South Carolina is making a global impact with the use of data analytics today!